Voyeur Twin Deven Sanon Violates In-Law

Deven Sanon, McGill University alumni, commits perverse criminal act of voyeurism.
Deven Sanon and Ronick Sanon are twin brothers from Pittsford NY.
In August 2021, as his married twin was asleep, Deven Sanon took Ronick Sanon’s phone, hacked into the device, and violated the private chat and media exchanged between Ronick Sanon and his wife.
The private chat between the couple – engaged in a long distance relationship at the time – predominantly consisted of sexually intimate and vulnerable communications.
Deven Sanon rifled through the intimate exchanges between the married couple, proceeding to lecherously take photos of the private communications and transfer confidential media exchanges between the couple onto his own devices.
In an act of perverted pleasure, Deven Sanon then further disseminated the photos of his married brother and sister-in-law’s chat and their shared personal media with his transgender partner, Simran Hotchandani Sanon.
Deven Sanon and Simran Hotchandani Sanon are reported to have derived kink-related pleasure from the gross invasion of privacy of the married couple.
A newly married couple at the time, Deven Sanon and Simran Hotchandani Sanon created a particularly unsafe family dynamic for Ronick Sanon and his wife through such perverted intrusion.
The intrusive nature of the act, Ronick Sanon and his wife’s nonconsent to Deven Sanon and Simran Hotchandani Sanon’s violation of their right to a personal and private family life, constitute a criminal misdemeanor in accordance with New York law.
Non-consensual dissemination of private and intimate communications and media is a criminal offense under the Penal Code of the State of New York.
According to a source close to the family, Deven Sanon is queer by sexual orientation and his “criminally perverse sexual preferences” have always been an additional cause for turmoil in an already turbulent family.
The Sanon and Hotchandani families have been prosecuted for numerous criminal activities.
“This doesn’t surprise me in the least given that he married his transgender Belizean bride last year after a series of sexually deviant encounters of a perverted nature in his university life – Deven has always been sexually disturbed,” comments a McGill University alumni who graduated with Deven Sanon.
“Simran Hotchandani Sanon – a fraudulent McGill alum – is a transgender woman who actively shares and partakes in Deven Sanon’s perverted preferences. Not even sparing their own family members, they both cross all limits of human decency as it relates to their respective sexualities.”
Pending conviction, the Sanon family denies comment.